Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tour de Toledo

Today was a very fun day.  We had a tour of Toledo that was beautiful! We crossed the river and went up the mountain to get a view of the entire city.  It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life--so far.  The pictures don't do it justice.  We had a tour guide which was fun and he gave us some fun facts about the city, and showed us important places that will be useful during our time here.

That lasted the entire morning.  We walked around and bought some other necessities.  The hot chocolate here is actually just chocolate melted... buzz kill.  But I did have my first expresso at lunch and it was decent with sugar and milk.

I had to buy a hair dryer and straightener today because they either didn't have enough air pressure, and my straightener burnt out because the voltage is so different.

Tonight is the big night out in Toledo.  Instead of going to the bars on the weekend, like in the states;  the Spaniards go out on Wednesdays and Thursday until about 5 or 6 am.... So we will see what happens. We are going to a club called La Nuit.  It should be a good time.

Tomorrow is the first day of classes.  I hope it will go well.

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