Monday, January 21, 2013

Lunes, Lunes

Today is another first day of classes. Except this is my first full week.  Today was also the first day that I ate a huge meal. The food was pretty good today with great potatoes.  I am very satisfied.

Yesterday shopping was a bust. We got all the way to the mall to find that is was closed.... Apparently, they don't open on Sundays but the food court does. And every first Sunday of the month the stores are open.. Weird. We were not too happy because this little detail is not written on the website and it is quite the trek to the mall. But I ate some Mcdonald's which was a nice taste of home! The french fries were different here because they use olive oil instead of the fat that we use in the US.

Today before class, I went to the bank and went shopping. I bought my first two souvenirs! I bought a warm scarf because it's a lot colder here than I expected and my fashion scarves aren't warm enough. Then I bought an España scarf.  They are the decorative ones that you can hang on your wall or wear.  Most people wear them to soccer games and such.  It was really cheap and I wanted to come home with one!

Please be sure to scan old posts when you read updated ones for pictures. I don't download pictures everyday, but I will be adding them into the posts they pertain to when I download them. :)

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