Monday, January 14, 2013

Día Uno

I have arrived in Spain!  My flight from MSP to Atlanta was not the best in the world.  It ended up being delayed because another plane was blocking us in at the gate.... Once we got on the next flight, I was disappointed to find that we didn't have our individual televisions like I were counting on. But the flight went pretty quickly and we were fed some nasty plane food, which tasted great because we were starving.

Overall, today has been the longest day of my life.  It's weird to think it's Monday and that I never really got a full nights sleep. We arrived in Toledo, made it through customs, and got both of the bags (I had to check one of my carry ons in Atlanta), and followed the group to find the people with the "fundación" sign (the nickname of my program).  After an hour bus ride, a luggage transfer, and then a short bus ride and walk, we arrived to the fundación which is tucked away in the middle of Toledo.

The streets are so small and the architecture is amazing!  All the streets are cobblestone which is hard to walk on, even in flats.  My feet were exhausted when we walked around for only an hour.

I am in a triple.  It is a suite to another triple, which my friend Amanda happened to be assigned to the other side of the suite.  I live with a girl named Carla from Puerto Rico.  She is really nice, and is going to help me with my Spanish.  Even though I made a fool out of myself today... But I am going to blame that on being up for more than 24 hours.  So far we do not have a 3rd roommate and I'm hoping it stays that way.

After our tour of the fundación, we had some free time to go explore.  We walked the streets, looked into shops (many of which were medieval themed), and eventually met up with some other students at the bar.  I had my first ever legal drink, a Spanish beer.  It was okay.  I like to think of today as my 21st birthday!

The food here is really interesting, and not very good at all.  I am hoping breakfast will be better tomorrow.  Maybe it will just take some getting used to.

Tomorrow I have a written exam on my Spanish and grammar, and also an interview about my classes, I believe.  Hopefully tomorrow will be less overwhelming than today.

Buenas noches.

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