Thursday, January 17, 2013

My first visitors!

Today was the first day of classes! It went pretty well.  The professors are good about talking slow, repeating their words, and making sure we understand.  I really like my professors. They are very relaxed, unlike in the states, and are pretty comical.  It's even funnier when they try to relate and compare lecture to things in the US. The classes are not as intense as ones at the U, but it will still be difficult because of the language barrier.  I have to actually pay attention and listen to what they are saying otherwise it goes in one ear and out the other.

The most exciting part of the day is Shannon and Molly arrived from Algeciras, Spain! I met Shannon at 3:45.  After getting lost trying to find the hostel they are staying at, (we circled it twice) we went out for a glass of wine to catch up.  After that, I showed her my room, and we hung out for a couple of hours.  For dinner we went to get pizza (I know, nothing too exciting).  And while waiting for Molly to arrive, we went for tea and dessert.  I had a churro type chocolate thing.

Even though the food in Spain is terrible, the desserts are to die for!

Tomorrow we are going to go down by the river and hang out, shop, and go to this tower where we can see the entire city.

I also realized today is the first day I didn't take a single picture.... !Hasta luego!

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