Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tapas y Cervezas

Well yesterday was a very busy day!  First we started out waking up to take a grammar test....which I'm pretty sure I failed.  But in the end it will be okay because they just want to make sure you are taking classes that will be too hard for you to understand.

After that, we had a meeting with one of the professors to talk about the class schedule, and we made our class schedule.  I am taking 15 credits to finish my Spanish minor to make sure I graduate in four years.  I have about 2-3 classes a day, which is a lot compared to other students.  But I am not doing an internship, which most are.  The classes are only an hour and a half long--it will be a breeze compared to the 2-3 hour classes I had last semester at the U!

After the meetings were done, I got my cell phone.  It is about half the size of my iphone, and twice as light.  I miss when cell phones used to be that simple.  Than a group of about 20 of us, went down to the river to walk around and take pictures.  It was BEAUTIFUL! The grass is so green, and the mountains (or what I think as mountains), and the landscaping was gorgeous.  I took way to many photos and we explored the ruins that were around the river.

Once we had enough, we went for a beer and tapas.  My tapas (appetizers) was decent.  I thought I would try something instead of taking the peanuts.  It was a beef ball.  Kind of like a meatball, minus the flavor, and twice the salt.  I also tried an Amstel beer.  I am just not a beer fan, but it is the cheapest so I am forcing myself to like it.

After we had a presentation about living life in Spain from the bank, to the post office, to traveling, the bus routes, etc., we decided to go out for the first big night on the town.  We went to an outside bar that overlooks the "suburbs" of Toledo.  It was gorgeous, and not that cold for the first 3 hours.

ATTENTION: DO NOT SEND PACKAGES TO TOLEDO.  I know all of you want to send me stuff, but customs will confiscate it if they think it's been used for business related things.  If anything needs to be brought to me, please send it to my mom or dad in the states.  MOM AND DAD: DON'T SEND ME ANYTHING.  Bring it with you when you visit. :)

Down by the river.  On the side of Toledo.  (Toledo is surrounded by a river on 3/4 of the city.)

My beer and tapas.

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