Saturday, January 19, 2013

Planning is stressful....

Well I had a great time with Molly and Shannon! We went to la iglesia de los Jesuitas and they have a tower that you can climb to see above the city. It was a blast. We walked around, shopped, ate lunch, and went down by the river for a bit. We found this great little souvenir place that has so much stuff handmade for a great price.  After that we found an antique shop for you, Dad! We can't forget about our crazy photo shoot either! After that and some down time, Molly and Shan headed back to Madrid so Shan could catch her flight today.  I missed the other Caraway this weekend (Cait)!

Last night we all decided to stay in and watch a movie.  While doing that, we went trip planning crazy! It is soooo stressful to coordinate everything, have enough time to do everything, and find someone to go with you to all the places you want to go.  I have narrowed my list down to the places I want to go and this is where I am currently at.

I am going to Paris in April, Switzerland in February, the Canary Islands in February (they are islands off the coast of Spain that are owned by Spain). I will make it to Barcelona, Granada, Seville, and Valencia at some point (all cities in Spain).  And then for spring break, I am going to Auschwitz!!! For those of you that don't know, I have an extreme obsession with the Holocaust and learning about it.  I know that this is a very depressing place to be excited about going to but it has been my dream for many years.  I think the history that was there is incredible.  After Poland, I would meet up with others in Prague, and then Amsterdam to finish off spring break.  Molly might come with me to Auschwitz! We are going to skype today to figure it all out.

I want to start traveling ASAP because Toledo is pretty quiet and boring during the weekends unfortunately... But it's good to be around the city this weekend.

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