Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hello family and friends!

This is my blog that I will be updating weekly while I am living in Spain.  I will give updates on what new foods I try, what amazing places I see, the problems I have speaking Spanish with the locals, and everything in between! Feel free to share this blog with anyone who is interested.

Tomorrow is the big day.  I finished packing last night.  Despite my fear that I would never be able to pack an entire wardrobe for a whole semester in one suitcase, I managed to fit it all in! I was very proud of myself to say the least.  Many of you have asked me if I am excited about going to Toledo, and my answers have been very vague.  I have been planning this study abroad experience since freshman year of college, and it is very surreal that it is actually happening.

I know I will be excited once I set foot in the airport tomorrow morning.  It will be quite the experience and one that I will remember for the rest of my life.

More to follow once I am on Spanish soil. ¡Hasta luego!

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