Monday, January 28, 2013

Hiking, and Relaxing

Saturday and Sunday of this weekend were very pleasant.  Saturday, after waking up at 1pm, we decided to go for a hike. It was beautiful out! The temp. was about 60 degrees and we had a lot of rain the previous week so we all wanted to get outside.  We climbed to the top of this "mountain" across the river and actually across from our view at the fund.  It was lovely up there and a great view.  A Spanish family with their 3 kids had also climbed up and was asking about our stay.  I swear the kids in Spain are so much cuter than the kids in the United States.... I don't know why.  We decided to walk around the entire city of Toledo, and then cross over the bridge on the other side of the city.  It was a great 5 mile walk (I mapped it out).

Later that night, the girls went out for dinner.  We went to this little cafe/restaurant, and the waitress didn't hesistate to show that she knew we were American and didn't like us.  We were handed an English menu before we said a word and still ordered our meals in Spanish.... Regardless, we all had a blast together and were happy that tipping is not custom in Europe or Spain, specifically.  I also spotted my first red mini cooper!!! I have seen many minis around Toledo, except none had been red. So I was very excited to see one that reminded me of my own car, but European style.

The cathedral at night.

Yesterday we had a pretty low key day also.  The weather was rainy for the middle of the day.  I went to a cafe to do my "homework" with a friend.  It was fun and a good way to get out of the fund.  Afterwards we relaxed, ate dinner, and booked our trip to Portugal for this weekend.  I am excited to go on my first trip even though its an overnight bus ride... I learned the hard way that the laundry room closes at 8 regardless if you are in the middle of a load.. So when my clothes finished in the wash, the receptionist wouldn't let me dry them... Instead I had to hang them all over my room for them to dry.. I was not amused. After dinner, many of us gathered in the tv room and finished the night off by watching Pitch Perfect.

The weather today is beautiful again, even though I probably won't make it out of the fund today between all my classes.  And when I leave the fund, that means I spend money, which I don't want to do either.  Tomorrow I hope to go to the mall to purchase some warmer clothes for London and Switzerland in the next couple of weeks. :)

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