Wednesday, January 23, 2013


My blogging will be pretty slow throughout the week because there is not much that happens when we have class.  I will for sure update my weekends since I will either be traveling, or doing something else fun.  Now that school has started, we don't have as much free time and planning for activities during the week.

Tonight is our second night of flamenco lessons.  They are a lot of fun and actually very difficult! I'm sure if there weren't 50 students trying to learn, it would be easier.  We had it on Monday as well and I enjoyed it very much.  Last night we had intercambio dinner.  An intercambio is when they match you up with a local Spaniard  and you go to lunch with them or for coffee, and you speak in Spanish for one hour and the next hour they practice their English.  It was strangely organized though because we were just thrown into a room of Spaniards and you had to go find someone to talk to.  I ended up talking to this woman named Ruth. She was very, very nice but did not have very good conversation skills so it was hard to hold a conversation.  And here I am the exchange student who doesn't know what to ask her about.  But it went fine.

I really like my classes and professors.  I think the classes I am taking will really help improve my speaking skills, so I am excited.  The food has been getting better. I don't know if I'm just that hungry that I will eat it anyways or if I am actually adapting to it.

Last night, I booked my trip to London.  I was never planning on going since I was there in 8th grade. But our other plans fell through for a couple of trips so I could spend my money on this.  We are staying with 2 DGs from the U so we won't have to pay for lodging which will be nice. And we can eat pretty cheap.  I am excited though! I loved London the first time, and it will be cool to meet up with friends from the U.

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