Sunday, January 20, 2013

La Nuit

Yesterday was one of the laziest days I've had in probably my life. We were up until 3:30am planning trips so I slept until about 1pm... Which I have never done before! So I laid in bed all day and watched tv shows that were very hard to load... I miss netflix and hulu! Because I'm outside of the US I can't use those sites.

I finally got out of bed later in the day to book my trip to Switzerland! I am so excited! It will be so much fun! We are going to Interlaken.  The flight was amazing cheap compared to what it is in the United States.  And this trip will be one of my more expensive ones.  I am also planning a trip to Portugal in the beginning of February and hopefully one to the Spanish islands.

Last night was the funnest night I have had since I've been in Toledo.  We went out to the bars and clubs.  One bar reopened after being remodeled and it was a favorite of students from last semester. And really cheap! It was fun.  Then we went to the club La Nuit.  That was also a blast!

There was a TON of dancing, which was very enjoyable. One of the employees there thought it would be fun to give us a photo shoot.  He took us to the part of the bar that was blocked for the night and took pictures of us behind the bar, on the bar, next to a lion statue, in the VIP section, next to the dj; it was a blast and hilarious! Don't worry, he wasn't being creepy about it.  He knows one of the girl from last semester well and was being nice.  So after we stayed out until 4am....omg--I finally went home and went to bed.

Today we are going to the mall to shop and look around.  I need a blanket and some more clothes....I didn't bring enough warm clothes. Oh well!

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