Monday, February 25, 2013


I am absolutely obsessed with the country of Switzerland!! It was the most beautiful place I have ever been in my life!! It was the first time that I have seen a mountain range in person (and not from a plane) in my life, and I am so grateful to have that be the Swiss Alps.  This trip was especially cool for my because my mom's side of the family's heritage is Swiss.

We (my two girlfriends and I) went to Interlaken, Switzerland for the weekend.  We took a flight that brought us to Geneva, and then took a train to Interlaken.  Normally, the transportation part of our trips are usually pretty easy.  Unfortunately, we had some major road bumps this time.  Our flight landed at about 11-11:30 in Geneva.  We were planning on taking the 12:30am train to Interlaken.  We knew that we would have some layovers, and transfers along the way.  When we got to our huge 4 hour layover, we did not realize that the entire train station was outside.... So it was 1:30 in the morning and we had no where to go.  Luckily, before we had left the airport, we had met a guy named Jack who was also going to Interlaken, and he traveled with us during this whole mess.  So since we didn't want to sit outside, we walked around this Swiss city to try to find something open...  But it was 1:30 in the morning and nothing was....

We found an alcove between a Starbucks and some other stores that blocked some of the wind and proceeded to wait until it was time to catch the next train.  It was miserable, but all 3 of us felt much safer knowing there was a male with us instead of just 3 lost females.  Eventually we made our way to a bar/club to warm up before we found our train at 5:45 am.  It was one of the longest nights of my life to say the least.  But once we finally got back on the train, we were excited to make it to Interlaken.

Check in wasn't until 2pm so when we arrived at 8am we had to keep ourselves busy.  We went and got omelets (which were amazing!) and did some shopping around town.  I am proud to say that I bought 11 chocolate bars while there! The chocolate was amazing and the town of Interlaken is adorable.

After we checked in, we took a quick nap, freshened up, and went to a chocolate show! They showed us how they make chocolate at a chocolate shop and all the steps that goes into creating the cocoa to receiving the ingredients in Switzerland.  It was really cool, and we got a voucher to pick out our own chocolate!

The chocolate show.


After going to bed at 8:30pm, we awoke the next morning to our thrilling activity.  We have been recommended by most people to try the canyon swing in Grindelwald, Switzerland, a little ski town just 20 minutes from Interlaken.  Of course, we decide it's a must.  After climbing/walking up to the top of the canyon, you jump from the 85 meter ledge into the canyon while just having a rope attached to you.  The free fall lasted 4 seconds long, which was long enough in my book!  I have never experienced such a strange feeling in my life.  It is very indescribable.  I am very proud of myself for doing this because I was very hesitant to agree to it, but it was totally worth it!  Here is the link to the video before I jumped:

The canyon


After our thrilling experience, we went back to Interlaken, did some more walking around, and went to a pizzeria that night for dinner.  We woke up the next morning and made our 11 hour journey back to Toledo.  Overall this trip was one of the best I have ever experienced, and it will definitely not be the last time I will go to Switzerland in my lifetime.

This week we have a normal week except for tomorrow is my birthday!!  On Thursday, I am off to Granada, Spain for the weekend!

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