Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This past weekend I was in London, England.  There are two DGs that are studying abroad there so I went to visit and stay with them.  It was a blast! I have already been to London when I was in 8th grade, but this experience was still amazing.  It was great to see my friends and see how they are experiencing their study abroad.

A cute street corner.

London is a HUGE city! I feel like I could spend the whole semester there and never see all of it.  And London is also surprisingly expensive! It's amazing how much more the pound is compared to the euro.  It was definitely worth the trip though.

On Friday, we went and did the normal touristy stuff; saw Big Ben, Westminster, etc.  We also took a boat ride down the Thames River which was really cool because you got to see a lot of London in a short period of time.  We also had lunch at a pub and had some delicious fish and chips.  I don't think I have ever eaten anything so good. And it was definitely a change from my normal Spanish food.  That night we went home and made some shrimp pasta, which was also sent from the gods.  That night we went to the biggest night club in London.  Spent a little too much to get in, but it was unreal to see and the dancing was a blast.

Tasty fish and chips with cider.

Saturday, we were going to go to Camden Market, but it was rainy.  So we took our time leaving in the morning and went on a Harry Potter walking tour. It wasn't as good as I expected but it was still cool to see where they shot scenes, how long they had to close these very popular tube stations, and other cool facts about the city.  Our tour guide was very knowledgable and it was fun to hear what he had to say.  Afterwards, we went to King's Cross station to take the classic pictures with the 9 3/4 cart.  It was fun and there was a huge line of people.

I also revisited the spot where I was left at the train station when I was last in London.  It brought back great memories, as I watched my family leave in the tube.

Sunday we had to get up at the crack of dawn to catch our flight and ended up waiting an extra hour because we thought the tubes opened an hour earlier than they did... 12 hours later, we were back in Toledo.

I decided that I am going to start keeping a journal.  One of the girls I visited dad kept a journal during his study abroad, and she read it before she left.  She said it was so cool to see what he did and all the crazy stuff he added that wouldn't be appropriate for a blog. ;)  She is also keeping one, and it inspired me to start one. So in 30 years, I can look back and remember the amazing experience I had.

Also, our London friends are going to make it to Toledo for my 21ST BIRTHDAY! I am SO EXCITED! I was bummed that I couldn't share my birthday with my college friends.  Their spring break is that week and they are traveling throughout Spain.  So they are making a pit stop in Toledo.  It will be a lot of fun and I can't wait.

This week is my only weekend off for the rest of the semester (....scary...).  Between when my family comes, and other travels, my last weekend here will be my next weekend in Toledo.  I am very excited to relax and do some more exploring of the city.

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