Friday, February 15, 2013

Weekend of Studying...

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's day and got to spend it with the people you love.  Yesterday, I went on about a 5 mile walk with one of my friends.  It goes around the city and has great views.  Valentine's day night, the fund put on a special dinner for everyone.  We had some great food, a king and queen of the night were crowned, there was candy, and chocolate fondu for dessert.  It was a lot of fun to hang out with friends and listen to music.  We jammed out to our favorite spanish hits as well as some Adele and the Macarena.

In Spain, they celebrate Valentine's day very differently.  Usually, only people who have significant others celebrate the day.  Unlike in the United States, whether or not you have a significant other, its a day to cherish and appreciate the people you love and the people that love you.  One of the program coordinators gave a speech about it, acknowledging that today may be a more difficult day for some students because we are away from home.

Everyone seemed to be in good spirits and we all enjoyed ourselves.  That night, we went to a going away party at a bar because one of the bartenders is moving back to Brazil.  The bar is called Dragos, and is usually a 10 minute walk from the fund.  But they are opening up a second one that is literally a 30 second walk from the fund.  It is not technically open yet, but thats where the party was held.  It will be dangerously close when it does open.  But it was a blast and felt like a high school basement party.  

Next week we have exams.... So this weekend will be focused on studying and relaxing, and preparing for next week.  After exams are over I will be off to Switzerland!

Ten un buen fin de semana!

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