Monday, February 11, 2013

Toledo Carnival

Well this past weekend I was in London.  I will make a new post tomorrow about that.  I have a lot of homework to do before tomorrow so I can't dedicate time to blogging today.

But I do want to briefly touch on the Carnival that happened in Toledo this weekend and at the end of last week.  In Spain, every city has their own Carnival festival before lent starts and before the Santa Semana (which is the week before Easter, that 90% of the Spanish population has off work.  Also my "Spring Break").  Everyone dresses up in costume.  It is like a Halloween on steroids for 4 days straight.

On Wednesday night, my friends and I went out for it.  We bought masks as costumes and enjoyed the beginning of the festival.  I was sad I was going to be in London that weekend.  You have to pick your battles at this point.  But the kids who stayed in Toledo said it was a blast.  People stay up until sunrise.  And there were fireworks to end the festival last night.  I enjoyed my one night out and drank Cava (Yes Ned, I finally bought some!).  The Cava was amazing and only cost 6 euros!  But don't worry, I didn't drink it all myself!

Check tomorrow for the London post!

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