Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A-Team in Granada, Spain

This past weekend I traveled to Granada, Spain.  The reason that the title of this post is called the "A-Team" is because all 7 of us who traveled together have names that start with the letter A; Anna, Allie, Amanda, Abby, Alisa, Alex, and Alec.  We thought it was pretty funny.

Granada is a beautiful city.  On our bus ride down, believe it or not, there was a huge snow storm that went through central Spain!! It was incredible! There were cars spinning out everywhere, and traffic was moving very slow.  But our bus driver kept plowing through, which made me nervous, but clearly the bus was heavy enough to handle the snow.  We all felt like we were in the middle of a Minnesota winter.  And boy am I glad not to have to deal with that everyday! But apparently, it is the first time in 10 years that Granada or more of southern Spain has seen snow.

We arrived Thursday night and surprisingly found our hostel fairly easily.  Knowing how confusing Spanish streets can be, we were proud of ourselves and had great directions.  Friday morning we woke up and went to the Alhambra, which is a famous castle in Spain.  It is what Granada is known for and was in the running to be one of the 7 wonders of the world.  It was beautiful to say the least and the architecture was amazing!

After we spent 4 hours there, we went to get tapas, and then the girls left the boys to go shopping and to get lunch.  We went to this street called Alcaicería which is full of Arab shops.  I finally found my pair of earrings that I had lost that were from Spain, so it was safe to say it was a successful shopping spree! That night we just hung out, and made some pasta.

Friday half the group when on this day excursion of hiking, rock climbing, and puenting (bungee jumping off a bridge).  I didn't go on this because I didn't want to spend the money, and I had already done my thrilling adventure in Switzerland.  Instead, I joined up with other people from out program and we went on our own hike.

It was quite the workout but the views were incredible in the Sierra Nevadas.  That lasted all day, and we went for ice cream afterwards as our reward.

All of us came home Sunday with a lot of homework to do... So that was a good way to end the weekend.  But I am so excited to have Dad, Abby, Catherine, and Cayla come visit me in just under a week!! It will be nice to relax at the end of the week, and then spend the next week with the family!

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