Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Family Time

This week Dad, Abby, Catherine, and Cayla are in town!!! I am so excited for them to be here and to show them the beautiful city and country I have been living in.  I didn't realize how much I missed them until I spent the day with them on Sunday.

I met them at their hotel in Madrid on Sunday at 10am.  It was a very early morning for me to say the least.  We walked around the Calle Mayor in Madrid exploring the Plaza Mayor.  Dad enjoyed looking at the old coins in Plaza Mayor.  Along with TRYING to show off his "Spanish".  We walked around and made it to the Prado.  The Prado is a very famous museum in Spain.  It was quite boring because I don't really enjoy going to museums where there are just old painting of nude people.  Although they are incredible, and the history behind some of the pieces and artists are amazing.

Afterwards we grabbed lunch at VIPS, which we decided is the Applebees of Spain.  They had a bunch of American food and I enjoyed a club sandwich that tasted like heaven on earth!  We quickly found out the difficulties of trying to describe what "gluten-free" meant.  When they brought out a salad without croutons for Catherine, it had crispy chicken on it.  Although that was probably a mistake on our part not reading the menu close enough, someone I described that she needed a new one.  I was pretty proud of myself.

They were all feeling pretty tired and jet-legged after lunch, so we went back to the hotel to take a nap. That is when I received the best gift ever, my peanut butter!!!!! Boy have I missed eating that! It was like being reunited with a long lost love.  I have enjoyed dipping my finger in the past couple of days.

I went back to Toledo after we ate dinner for the week because I have class.  Tomorrow (Wednesday) they will come to Toledo, and we leave on Thursday afternoon for Barcelona.  I am excited to spend more time with them.  And I'm not going to lie, it's been nice having someone around who will buy my food and transportation! ;)

After this weekend, it will already be the week that I leave for spring break and then March is over! Where has time gone??

Un abrazo,

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