Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Family time, round 2!

The day after I got home from Spring break Mom, Sarah, and Aunt Linda were here! They were in Toledo with me until Thursday and then we all went to Madrid for the weekend.

It can be very stressful having family or anyone visit you because I run around with my head cut off between visiting them and going to class.  It's all worth it in the end but it was very exhausting after just returning from a very exhausting Spring Break.  We went on a hike one day and it was beautiful! The weather has been so nice this past week.  I hope it stays that way until the end of the semester.  No more rain!

I went out to dinner every night with the ladies and it got a little crazy more than one of the nights.  I'm sure Mom and Aunt Linda would kill me if I went into full detail of what happened one night.  But let's just say this, a bottle of wine+having to go to the bathroom+a lot of laughing=a lot more laughing because of an incident that would result from those things mixed together.  ;)  We had a blast in Toledo and I think they enjoyed the quaintness of the city.

We stayed at a fun hotel in Madrid.  We did a lot of shopping last weekend.  I had some birthday money to spend which was fun since I cannot afford to make a dent in my own bank account.  We found some fun places to eat and went to the oldest restaurant in the world.  We also went to the Royal Palace which I haven't seen since January so it was fun to do it again in English!

On Saturday night we went to the Real Madrid game.  It was so much fun and the atmosphere was unbelievable! The game was a lot shorter than I thought it would be compared to a baseball or football game.  So we were in and out all before dinner time.

I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with those three as well as all the laughs that came along.

I went home mid afternoon on Sunday because I had a lot of homework to finish up.  This weekend I will be in Toledo which is the first time in a really long time.  The weather will be in the 70s so I am really excited to get some sun!

Tonight is the talent show! There are about a whole 8 performances so it will be short but fun.

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